Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Admiration for the Tapeworm

I had a conversation with a friend who had just gotten over a nasty cold that resulted in a major ear infection. without health insurance, she waited around to see what it did. Finally, after about 6 or 7 days she was able to find a friend with some leftover antibiotics, which helped clear it up. She's thankful she only got an earache. I am too.

Spinoza's idea about human survival (pieced together from what I vaguely remember) was that any species that allowed for its own self-destruction (when it could be prevented) was biologically maladaptive- and hence must have been overtaken by an external force. it's always been my contention that ideologies can function quite literally as artificial intelligences, operating as self-perpetuating beings with or without the assistance of human co-conspirators (by nature of its parasitic appropriation of our means of survival). capitalism fits this model succinctly and appears to be the tapeworm chewing away at our chance for surviva as a species. it's a disease and it's making our species sick. we need universal coverage for sure to ameliorate the symptoms, but it's just one step on the road to a full recovery.

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